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How is the the weight management program different from other protein diets?

The weight management program treats weight issues at its source. By the time you reach your weight management goal, you will have transformed your body's ability to metabolize sugar and carbohydrates and we will have taught you how and why this is so important.

The program aims at reducing carbohydrates and fats, not necessarily protein. In doing so, it preserves muscle and protects vital organs to secure their proper function. In other words, you will lose fat, not muscle.

The program features up to a whopping 20 grams of protein per portion. making it convenient, efficient and sustainable.

The weight management program features a high biological protein, complete with eight (8) essential amino acids, that recreates 100% of the biological value of a complete protein for maximum assimilation and absorption.

The program is less toxic than other protein diets because it features less saturated fats, no trans fats, no aspartame, no Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) and no Genetically-Modified Organisms (GMOs).

Is the program safe?

Our protocol is safe for everyone, except those with a dysfunctional liver or kidneys, if you have these conditions, you must see Dr. Sniadach prior to starting a weight management program.
Type one diabetics must also see Dr. Sniadach before starting the program.

What is the difference between the BenchmarkMedicalGroup Weight Management program and other diets?

Our protocols have 3 segments:

Segment 1: Fat loss until 90% Success (90% of your goal)
Segment 2: Transition period remaining 10% of your goal
Segment 3: Lifestyle Nutrition Coaching

Type one diabetics, athletes and specific health conditions require different plans. Each plan will be custom made to suit the person's needs. However, the initial fat loss segment will see a limitation of carbohydrates such as breads, pasta, rice, alcohol, fruits, potatoes and other foods that are high glycemic or high in sugar. The specific portions of fats proteins and carbohydrates will be considered from your initial evaluation, your food journal and goals as well as laboratory analysis and hormonal and food sensitivity testing.

Everyone will be encouraged to strictly adhere to the program that is designed for you.

Once the goal of 90% of your body fat or overall health goal is met, we will transition you from the packaged protein food to more whole foods that you can purchase. Success through the transition phase is the demonstration that you are keeping you healthy weight and continuing to move toward your goal.

Once you reach your goal, we will transition you to lifestyle health and nutrition coaching. This segment can be brief or indefinite, depending on your lifetime health goals.

Why is exercise NOT recommended during the initial fat loss segment?

Dieters on the protocol are on a very low caloric diet, yet their body is actually "getting more calories" than they were prior to starting our protocol. Why? Because they are burning (using their fat stores) fat. They are getting about 900 Kcals per day from the foods they are eating (on Phase 1) but if they lose 4 lbs per week (on average) 4 x 3500 Kcal/lb of fat means 14,000 Kcal/week, divide by 7 equals 2000 Kcals per day. They are actually consuming 900 Kcal + 2000 Kcals = 2900Kcals per day. Understand their bodies must make the necessary enzymes to fully burn the ketone bodies that are produced from fat metabolism It takes about two weeks for this to happen. During the first 3 weeks, your body is getting the necessary "enzymatic machinery" in place so it can use 100% of the ketonic bodies (for cellular fuel) that your body is producing from burning the fat. In the first couple of weeks, it cannot use all of them and you breath them out (acetone breath), "pee them out" (ketostix turn purple when you dip them in your urine) or you excrete excess ketones in your feces.

If your blood sugar gets too low during this time period, the proteins we supply and the muscle you have can undergo gluconeogenesis and glucose can be produced.

If you increase the glucose demand (i.e. exercise vigorously during these first 3 weeks) you will increase gluconeogensis markedly. This CAN result in muscle loss, SOMETHING WE WANT TO AVOID!!!! If you MUST exercise during the first 3 weeks, please do it lightly, (1/3 to 1/2 your normal intensity) or not at all. Here's the beauty of the program: During this period...you literally are "peeing out calories" without having to exercise!!! You will lose the same amount of weight, but will not risk losing muscle. This is not about calories in - calories out; it's about hormones and metabolism. They were fighting a hormone (Insulin) before and you can't exercise your way out of that, the hormone always wins. After the first 3 weeks, you may exercise, but please keep in mind:

- Do not get overly tired
- Supplements are a must! (Serious cardiac problems can result; arrhythmias, tachycardia, etc.)
- Keep well hydrated, if exercising you must increase your water and protein consumption.

If you are an athlete that exercises 5 or more days per week or you perform very intense physical activity, you must inform the dietitian or nutritionist or nurse practitioner, so the program can best suit your needs.

Why is diet soda discouraged during the program?

Dieters on the protocol are on a very low caloric diet, yet their body is actually "getting more calories" than they were prior to starting our protocol. Why? Because they are burning All diet drinks (i.e. sugar-free, carb-free) are NOT contraindicated on the program. The problem that can arise is imbalances in acid / base regulation. Our protocol is very alkaline and this is why we do not see complications common to other "protein type diets", namely kidney stones, gout, bone spurs, etc. Some diet drinks (Crystal Light for example) are mixed with water and these are acceptable. Many others (flavored Aqua-Fina, Dasani, etc.) contain a lot of phosphoric acid. This is a very strong acid and will play havoc with the body's bicarbonate buffering system. The same goes for diet sodas... particularly the "brown ones"... Coke, Pepsi, Dr. Pepper, root beer, etc.). Flavored seltzers are usually OK, just read the label and make sure it is carb-free and contains no phosphoric acid. Carbonated beverages contain CO2 which, when dissolved in water becomes carbonic acid, a weak acid (unlike phosphoric). To have a glass of these occasionally would not be a problem, but consuming large amounts (like in place of the 2 liters of water per day) would not be a good idea. The pH of Perrier is about 5.7, weakly acidic. Our protocol provides so many health benefits besides weight management; it would be a shame to compromise some of the benefits by consuming these products. Acid / base balance plays a major role in physiology, particularly in such conditions as osteoporosis, gout, "hardening of the arteries", and a more acidic blood does not carry oxygen as well. Using sugar-free, carb-free drinks and diet sodas will not compromise your weight management (providing you drink extra water if these drinks contain caffeine, remember an extra cup of water for every cup of coffee you drink, same thing here) the dieter who chooses to use these products a lot, will not receive all of the wonderful benefits of the program.

Can dieters eat 'sugar-free' candy only containing sugar alcohol?

There are many different types of sugar alcohols, some are more easily absorbed (xylitol) and some are absorbed very poorly (erythritol). If they are absorbed, they can affect blood sugar. As a rule of thumb, divide the grams of sugar alcohols by 2 and consider that the number of grams of carbohydrates that are being consumed. If you have 13 grams of sugar alcohol in the mints (13 / 2 = 6.5) + 1 other carb = about 7.5 grams of absorbable carbohydrates.

If a dieter is hungry can he/she have additional envelopes?

Yes, however, you cannot exceed your personal recommended carbohydrate amount, nor can you exceed 1/2 of your goal body weight in grams of protein. A dieter may have up to five (5) envelopes per day.

Why is fruit not allowed weight management program?

While fruits do not make you gain weight, they can slow down and even prevent you from losing weight. That's because once metabolized by the body, fruits transform into sugar - or glucose - and the glucose reserve is precisely that which you want to deplete in order to get your body to begin to burn calories from your excess fat supply. Fruits are denied on the protocol only until the weight management goal is achieved. Fruits are later introduced in the stabilization period of the protocol, once your pancreas' proper metabolizing of sugars has been restored.

You should know that the body stores no more than three (3) days' worth of carbohydrates in your body. The goal of the protocol is to empty the body's reserves of carbohydrates so that it can begin to burn its reserve of excess fat, all the while remaining alert and vigorous through muscle-building and organ-protecting protein foods, such as the program's foods, eggs, lean meats, poultry, fish and seafood.

What should a dieter know before starting the program?

Although many people do not experience any discomfort and feel utterly satisfied throughout the protocol, some may experience "withdrawal" symptoms during the first few days of the diet. This is absolutely normal and should even be anticipated, especially by those who are used to consuming a lot of processed foods, sweets and salty foods. See the dietician or Nurse practitioner if your withdrawal symptoms are unbearable. We always have suggestions and will help you get through the initial period.

Can a Dieter expect consistent weight management?

Yes. Women will lose on average 3-5 lbs, Men 5-7lbs per week. If the protocol is followed without any deviations and weight management is not achieved in any given week it is due to one of the following 4 reason:

- Intentional or unintentional deviations from the program (cheats).
- Pre or Peril-Menopausal Women
- Constipation
- Muscle gain vs. Fat Loss

What is sucralose?

Sucralose is a sweetener derived from sugar cane. It tastes like sugar but, thanks to a process, sucralose has zero (0) calories and is not assimilated by the body, which means that it has zero (0) impact on the blood and its glycemia. If you find a program food too sweet, simply "stretch" it with a little more water.

Why is Sea Salt compulsory during the program?

The USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture Food Guide) recommends that people consume 2,300 mg (approximately 1 teaspoon) of salt, per day. That quantity is often exceeded by the mere presence of the bulk of industrial foods consumed each and every day in North America, including breads, pastas and cheeses, all saturated with salt. That's why most doctors tell their patients to stay away from salt, generally speaking. With all that salt, you need not add more salt to your food. The program has none of these industrial foods. And even if choices of the envelopes are salted, you need to add sea salt to your diet: lightly sprinkle your vegetables and your protein source, whatever it may be, meat, poultry, fish, seafood, eggs or tofu, with sea salt to ensure that your body has all the sodium it needs to function properly.

What is the relationship between an allergy to shellfish and Sea-Salt?

Sea salt has nothing to do with shellfish. Allergies are usually caused by protein molecules (like chitin) not inorganic minerals. Some patients might be allergic to freshwater shrimp and clams (where there is no sea water).

Is the program considered a high, medium or low calorie diet?

The protocol would be considered a medium to low calorie diet whereas the Alternative Plan, which incorporates additional foods from Groups I, II and III, would be considered a medium calorie diet. Neither protocol is considered a hypo protein diet nor a hyper protein diet. The medical weight management program offers the optimal quantity of proteins, vitamins and minerals required to ensure the proper functioning of all body systems.

Are there any medical-legal problems to consider in recommending diets less than 1200 calories a day considering balanced versus unbalanced programs?

The medical weight management program is based on the NAASCO (North American Association for the Study of Obesity) guidelines. It states that "a loss of 2% of body weight per week is totally healthy". The USDA Food Pyramid recommends that 20% of calories should come from protein. Based on a 2,000 Kcal diet per day, this equates to 400 Kcals coming from protein (protein = 4 grams / Kcal) so 100 grams of protein is the minimum daily allowance according the USDA. Let's suppose you have a 150 lb. female. She will probably lose on average 3 lbs per week. It means exactly 2%. If she eats only the very "low-carb foods" she will add 850 Kcal/day. If the average weight management is 3 lbs of fat per week (1 lb of fat = 3500 Kcal) the body consumes 3 X 3500 Kcal = 10,500 Kcal / week. Now divided by 7 = 1,500 Kcal per day from body fat. So now add 850 Kcal (from our food) + 1,500 Kcals from body fat and you will see that our protocol provides 2350 Kcals / day (at a bare minimum). We triggered the physiological mechanism for them to lose fat, while giving the body this seemingly enormous amount of calories.

Why are protein foods so vital?

The immune system, all of your vital organs, your eyes, your nails, your hair, your skin and your muscles all are made of protein. Muscles are the engine that burns calories. So, the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn and the more calories you burn, the more fat you burn. That's why men lose weight faster than women, because typically men have greater muscle mass than women.

Why are the Natura supplements compulsory during the program?

It is important for people following the protocol to ensure they take the recommended supplements as specified to compensate for nutrients otherwise present in foods from Groups I, II and III. If they don't, their body's systems will be lacking the nutrients they need to function optimally.

Why are cooked onions not allowed?

Cooking breaks long-chained sugars (which digest slowly and do not raise the blood sugar rapidly) down to short-chained ones or Monosaccharide's (small sugar molecules that are easily absorbed). It raises blood glucose and consequently cause a "blast of insulin" to be released. This is counter-productive to the protocol. This is true whether you sauté or bake them.

How do we determine a dieter's protein needs/calorie needs when they are over 200 pounds?

Ex: (Case A) - If a person is 300 pounds and 50% fat, why do they need more calories than someone (Case B) who is 200 pounds and 25% body fat if both have a lean body mass of 150 pounds?

Case A: This patient weighs 330lbs (a "big guy"). He relates that he played college football and was in great shape at 250lbs (linebacker). His goal is to be around 260lbs. We are not talking about the BMI as the lean weight, our lean weight is a weight where the patient doesn't suffer from health risks of obesity (high BP, bad lipids, high blood sugar, etc), doesn't suffer from emotional anxiety of being fat, and can wear what they want, not "what they have to" (pretty un-scientific I guess, but practical). So here we are going to base our protein calculation on 260lbs not 330 lbs.

Our guidelines for both men and women on Phase 1 of our program state that: "lean weight" or "goal weight" of up to 200 lbs: 3 packets from the program plus one whole protein food (5 to 6 ozs. of meat for instance). Meat yields about 7 grams of protein per ounce of weight, so a 6 oz. piece of filet mignon would give you about 42 grams of protein (plus or minus). We have 3 x 19 grams (from IP) = 57 grams plus 6 oz. meat (6 x 7 g/oz) = 42 grams totaling 99 grams of protein or almost exactly ½ gram protein per pound of lean body weight (200 lbs x 0.5 g = 100 g).

- If the dieter has a lean body weight of 201 lbs to 240 lbs, we add another envelope + the 3 envelopes and the whole meal.
- If the dieter has a lean body weight of 241lbs to 280lbs we add 2 envelopes + the 3 envelopes and the whole meal.
- If the dieter has a lean or goal weight of 281lbs to 320lbs, add 3 envelopes to the standard (3 envelopes + the whole meal) for a total of 6 envelopes of IP.

Basically, every 40 lbs over 200 lbs, add another envelope of program food. So in "Case A", our ex-football player would get 5 envelopes of IP plus his whole meal per day on Phase 1.

Is tofu allowed on the diet?

Tofu is allowed and Tempeh (which is a Japanese 'fermented tofu') as well. Plain Tofu has about 7-8 grams of protein per ounce of raw product, so the dieter would want about 3 to 4 ounces to create a meal (around). Be careful with some of the "flavored tofu" because they might have too many carbohydrates (total carbs should be less than 5 grams per serving). Also there are many soy "meat products" out there like "Tofurkey" etc. and the dieter should read the labels. Most of the "Garden Burgers" are unacceptable as they have little protein (5-6 grams) and way too many carbohydrates.

Are Dieters allowed to eat 2 envelopes on Phase 3?

Phase 3 is not a weight management phase; dieters are on a phase that maintains their weight. We are going to re-introduce carbohydrates in Phase 3 "to wake up the pancreas" but also to limit the intake to less than 30 grams at this meal. Two slices of Whole Grain bread (about 70 Kcals), 1 egg (75 cal, 6 grams of protein) and a serving of lean breakfast meat (3-4 ozs of ham or Canadian bacon, probably about 10 grams of absorbable protein) are fine. Then, a Phase 2 lunch and dinner plus a protein snack at bedtime. You won't gain weight on this, but you will stop losing weight. Dieters will re-charge their glycogen during this phase. At the end of the 2 weeks a regain of 3 to 4 lbs. of water/glycogen that was lost during the first week of the diet will occur. Make sure you prepare them for this!!! Explain that this is NOT fat and they may probably continue to lose inches.

What is the target number of calories, grams of fat, protein and carbohydrates when someone is on 3, 4 and 5 envelopes respectively?

(Taking into consideration there is some variability because people have their own meal at dinner and choose different envelopes during the day.) We target between 700 and 800 Kcals. per day on Phase 1. The latitude is due to the choices they make for the "non-program meal" (filet mignon, zucchini and yellow squash may have more calories than a filet of cod and broccoli). If a person is doing 3 envelopes plus a "whole protein", this would be approximately 100 grams of protein (4 cal/gm = 400 Kcals from protein). 2 teaspoons of olive oil are approximately 90 Kcal or 10 gms of fat. Taking fish oil capsules (the Omega-3) and estimating the fat in the whole protein we can probably add another 15 gms. of fat (or 135 Kcals).

So thus far we have 400 calories from protein and 225 Kcal from fat.

Add the 4 cups of veggies and salad and the carbohydrates in the program foods, we get approximately 120 calories or about 30 grams of carbohydrates.
This would be about 54% Protein, 30% Fat and 16% Carbohydrates (3 packs + 1 whole protein per day).

If we add another envelope (and these should be the drinks, soups or puddings...the lo-carb foods) we add about 18 gms of protein and about 3 gms of
Carbohydrates, on average.

So 4 packs + 1 whole protein would be about:

118 gms Protein (472 Kcals)
33 gms Carbs (132 Kcal)
25 gm Fat (225 Kcal)
OR: 57% Protein, 27% Fat and 16% Carbs
5 envelopes + 1 whole protein would be about:
136 gms Protein (544 Kcal)
36 gms Carbs (144 Kcal)
25 gms Fat (225 Kcal)
OR: 60% Protein, 25% Fat, and 15% Carbohydrates
Now let's go back to the standard protocol, 3 envelopes + 1 whole protein:
Total calories = 745

If we figure the basal metabolic rate + normal daily activity (no exercise) to be 1800
Kcal we can calculate how much body fat is used for fuel: 1800 - 745 = 1055 Kcal
1055 / 9 kcal/gm = about 118 gm of fat per day (which would be a little over 2 lbs. of fat per week lost), this weight doesn't count the water lost as the glycogen is depleted. So our protocol is really a "high fat diet"
25 gms of fat from food + 118 gms from the body = 143 gm Fat (1287 Kcal)
100 gm Pro ( 400 Kcal)
30 gm Carb( 120 Kcal)
OR: 71% Fat, 22% Protein, 7% Carbs

Is it normal to experience nausea with during the protocol?

Some people do experience nausea. To remedy this, they should have "familiar food" for breakfast: 2 eggs and some lean ham (Canadian bacon) (no toast of course). Also, consume only 1/2 of a shake at a time; drink the other half an hour or so later. If this doesn't help, offer the Alternative Protocol for 1 or 2 weeks. This will "ease the dieter's off the sugar".

Why is it important for dieters to go through all four phases adding foods slowly back into their diet?

We introduce more real food in Phase 2 to "help bring the gut (digestive process) back on line". If we just jump into eating 4 "real meals a day" after Phase 1, many people will get bloated, cramps, etc. In Phase 3 we introduce complex carbohydrates in the morning meal only "to help bring the pancreas back on line". If we suddenly add carbohydrates although the day, the pancreas will be "shocked" and probably over-produce insulin like it was before the protocol. So, with the pancreas, we want to slowly let it get used to producing the right amount of insulin in response to the carbohydrates we eat. I liken this to a course of prednisone. We know if we give a patient prednisone (a steroidal anti-inflammatory) for over 2 weeks, the adrenals will stop producing cortisol. Therefore if we abruptly stop the prednisone, the patient will go through a crisis as the adrenals need time to "get the production of cortisol back on line". Therefore we always taper the dose down slowly to give the adrenals time to begin production of these necessary substances, we never want to "shock" the system."Easy does it!"

What is the difference between apple cider vinegar and rice vinegar?

Both of them are fine on the protocol. It's a matter of taste more than anything else. Apple Cider Vinegar has more alkaline minerals, so it might be preferable.

My dieter says he's not losing weight, as he should. He started at 360 lbs and after 7 weeks he lost 29lbs. After the 1st week he lost 7 lbs.

He is losing about 4 lbs per week. If he stays on the program for a year that's over 200 lbs and that's loosing way faster than he gained it. Obese people have more fat per square inch of surface area. An obese man with 20" arms will have more fat (calories stored) than a person with 14" diameter arms. This means the big guy will see a slower decrease in diameter because there's "more fat per inch". It's like a roll of paper towels, if you start pulling sheets off a new roll at a steady rate the diameter of the roll will decrease slowly at first, and then accelerate as the diameter decreases. If his weight management drops to 2 pounds or less per week, make sure you check the food diary for any "hidden carbohydrates". You may also want to put him on a VERY strict diet for a week or two: No "Restricted Foods" (only shakes, puddings, soups and omelet) and no restricted vegetables.

Why do we ask Dieters if they are cold?

This may indicate hypo-thyroidism. We should ask Dieters "When was the last time your Doctor ordered a thyroid panel?" If they fail to lose the weight we expect when they follow the protocol, in other words, if they only lose on average 2 lbs./week, go back to the health profile and see how they answered this question. Perhaps they will need thyroid hormone replacement for a short period of time.

I have a Dieter that has been on the protocol for over 4 months and has lost about 33lbs. For the last 3 weeks she has had no weight management. She is also on her menstrual cycle again: 2 weeks now, before it was 3.

She is having more frequent "periods", then it would stand to reason she will gain water weight one week prior to her menses. Also check her food diary; a lot of dieters get a little "slack" with this once they are a few months into the program. Contemplate a week or two of a protocol with the "rocket-Fuel" foods only (no restricted foods) and no restricted vegetables.

I have a patient who is allergic to eggs, wheat and dairy. Which of our foods can I suggest him?

If a person says they are allergic to soy, DO NOT offer them any foods with soy protein! Same with an egg allergy: no foods with egg protein (albumin). You can read the boxes to have more details. A dairy intolerance (i.e. Lactose Intolerance) is NOT an allergy in the true sense of the word, they are merely lacking in the enzyme "lactase" and if they ingest whole milk products, they can get gas, bloating and cramping - not a life threatening anaphylactic reaction. This is usually corrected by giving lactase (i.e. "Dairy-ese" or "Lact-Aid" caplets with the food). People with lactose intolerance usually (probably 99% of the time) CAN use our whey isolate products as they contain only traces of lactose (0.005%) which is probably not enough to cause any problem.

People with a true milk allergy are usually allergic to casein: the other protein found in milk and not the whey fraction. What we did was to tell them to TRY a tiny bit of our whey isolate products (give them a teaspoonful or half a teaspoonful of the Peach /Mango) and see if they experience a reaction. We've never seen a problem with this BUT, remember; we did this in a physician's office and had an epi-pen ready. I would not advocate non-practitioners to do this! Basically, if they say they're allergic to a food, (egg, milk, soy) just steer them to the foods that don't have these ingredients in them. Also do not have them take our collagen products more than once a day, collagen is not a complete protein and we do not want to cause any nutritional deficiencies. Our foods contain no chemical preservatives and are among the "cleanest" in the industry, so in that regard, they are "hypo-allergenic". Just use good judgment and when in doubt, don't do it!

What causes the bloated feeling often associated with eating our proteins?

Bloated feeling may come from not having all the appropriate enzymes available for complete digestion; this is particularly true if they weren't getting enough protein / day prior to the protocol. Recommend they supplement with our enzymes (2 with each meal). As they continue on the program, their bodies will start to produce more of the proteases (enzymes to digest protein). Also ask if they are lactose intolerant, should that be the case; avoid our foods made with whole milk protein (whey isolates are OK). Adding a lactase supplement ("Dairy-Eze" or "Lactaid") is often helpful with these folks.

After losing 50lbs my Dieter hasn't lost anything else! What's going on?

After losing 50 lbs (having been on the protocol for a while) they are probably gaining some muscle at this point, which would offset the scale weight. Also check the food diary carefully: maybe they haven't been filling it out weekly at this point. Look for "2 restricted foods" per day. Tell them "little cheats" will replenish some glycogen and they will gain water weight. We also suggest 1 week of "Boot Camp": 5 envelopes of protein (Rocket-Fuel-only) soups, drinks and puddings. One, for breakfast, one for lunch, 2 for dinner - NO WHOLE FOOD PROTEIN and 1 at bedtime.

Is there some guidance as to know when to shift certain kinds of individuals to perhaps an alternative diet plan to provide the few additional carbohydrates that may be necessary to some individuals who are not typically physically active but who is mentally active to please the available glycogen?

Our protocol provides enough carbohydrates for the brain and other glucose dependant tissues. The "fuzzy thinking" (brain fog) is mostly likely due to low sodium levels resulting in low BP. One-half to one third of a teaspoonful of sea salt; dissolved in 5 oz. water quickly rectifies this. The only time a person would really get hypoglycemic is if they exercise heavily during the first 3 to 4 weeks of the program OR they are on hypoglycemic agents (or insulin) and have to have their doses cut back or discontinued. A quick way to differentiate this is to have the patient lie down with his / her feet elevated. If they feel better doing this, it's usually the sodium / low BP causing the problem, if they don't feel better, then it's possibly low blood sugar (but they will usually feel shaky also if this were the case).

Are Edamame soy beans?

The Edamame are soybeans. They come either as fresh, usually served steamed with salt in Japanese restaurants or dried and flavored (usually wasabi). They do contain some carbohydrates as all legumes do and I would use this VERY SPARRINGLY on Phases 1 and 2. They're like nuts, you can consume a lot very quickly and the carbohydrates would add up! They would be fine for phases 3 and 4 though.

I have a Dieter complaining about lower back pain (states it's not like back pain - he feels his kidneys). Is it because he is eating too much protein?

Remember our protocol provides only the MINIMUM daily requirements as far as protein go. If you take in less then you are not getting enough. Pain in the back area could be a number of things: muscular, UTI, kidney stone, etc but it's definitely not from "too much protein". Refer the dieter to his/her primary care physician to rule out any acute medical condition.

My Dieter is not loosing any weight. What's wrong?

The 2 biggest reasons why dieters "don't lose weight" are 1) cheating - intentionally or by mistake (like having 2 "restricted foods per day".... i.e. oatmeal for breakfast and a bar before bed.) The other reason is not having a "good bowel movement" per day. They can store up wards of 10 lbs. in the colon. Please check the weekly meal diary and make sure he/she's not doubling up on the treats. Also ask about their bowel habits. Please refer to "Irregular weight management" document.

Is the gum Xenatol (only available at health food stores) permitted?

Xylitol Gum ("Xyli-Chew" and other brands) is generally O.K., IF IT IS NOT CONTINUALLY CHEWED ALL DAY LONG! "Sugar alcohols" are not completely absorbed, you get about 1/3 the carbohydrates it says on the label. Something with 9 grams of "sugar alcohols" would give you about 3 net carbohydrates. If you chew piece after piece, that will add up. If something appears like it would be appropriate on the protocol, try it IN MODERATION, then check the weight management the following week. If the rate of weight management is not continuing then stop it completely until Phase 4.

What is the Whey Protein source? Is it from cows, which are not given Bovine Growth Hormones (BGH) and are the cows grass fed/organic?

The milk used in processing our whey isolates comes from cows raised on small European farms, grass fed and with no hormones. We cannot claim "organic" as the process of extracting the isolates precludes this nomenclature. That being said, the person must understand that an "isolate" is just the pure protein fractions of the total whey, these are issued with a "Certificate of Analysis" showing any traces of heavy metals, hormones, pesticides or any other chemical. The lot is PLACED IN QUARANTINE (i.e. Not even brought into the lab) until we do our own mass spec assay of the product. If our on analysis does not "jive" with the "Certificate of Analysis" from the European company the product is rejected and returned.

My patient is having a hard time eating all of his vegetables. He is only eating about 1 cup per day but is feeling fine. Is there anything wrong with that?

The problem is he will not get enough fiber and will likely be deficient in minerals. This may not cause problems if he's in good health but could possibly cause an arrhythmia in "poorer" patients. Also it helps maintain regularity.

I have a dieter (in Phase 2) who works for a delivery company. He says he has to have some sort of electrolytes during the summer and he does not want Gatorade or any of those types of drinks. What can I suggest for him on the truck? He tells me he is always in a heavy sweater.

He can use Pedialyte (comes as a 1 liter bottle) and dilute it with spring water to 2 liters (i.e. just add a liter or quart of spring water). He can drink a liter of this solution when he works, but the diluted mixture will provide about 12.5 g of sugar, so if he's still on Phase 2, no "restricted foods"!! Any other fluid should be water or put a little salt in water and add a little peach mango for flavor.

Is the sugar free wine allowed on the Diet?

This would be OK for Phase 4 but not for Phases 1-3 because alcohol has calories (7 Kcal per gram) but more importantly is ultimately converted to a molecule of glycerol. Glycerol is one of the major components of triglycerides (fat), thus it promotes the production of fat.

If taking the Omega III's on our weight management protocol, does the Dieter still need the 1 to 2 teaspoons of oil? If so, why?

The answer is yes. The olive oil will provide the substrates for building up their HDL. Most diets will drop Total cholesterol, LDL AND HDL (if the HDL drops too, cardiovascular benefits may not be realized). Keeping the olive oil in ensures good HDL levels plus is also necessary for proper gallbladder function.

Is there any issue with Dieter wanting to split up their store-bought protein (e.g. fish, chicken, etc.) and have 1/2 (3 oz) at both lunch and dinner (in their salad), along with a program drink?

No, that should be fine. However, on Phase 3 they must consume all the carbohydrates we re-introduce into the protocol at the morning meal! In other words, they can't have toast at breakfast and save a fruit serving for lunch or a midday snack, We only want to "spike the insulin" once a day.

*Results may vary person to person


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